Friday, 19 June 2015

Charleston terrorist reveals his motive: ‘You rape our women and you’re taking over our country — and you have to go’

Charleston Shooting  Illuminati MK-Ultra Mind Control – Dylann Storm Roof Exposed

Charleston terrorist reveals his motive: ‘You rape our women and you’re taking over our country — and you have to go’

Survivor says a man who killed three men and six women at a historic South Carolina black church reloaded five times during the massacre and offered a chilling statement of his motives.

The white man in his early 20s opened fire on a prayer service Wednesday night inside Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, killing Pastor Rev. Clementa Pinckney – who is also a state senator – and eight other congregants.

UPDATE: Suspect in Charleston church terror attack identified as Dylann Storm Roof

The lawmaker’s cousin said the shooter came into the church and sat next to Pinckney through the service and started shooting when it concluded.

A survivor told reporters that the gunman reloaded five times during the massacre and ignored the pleas of one man to reconsider killing the worshipers.

“You rape our women and you’re taking over our country — and you have to go,” the terrorist said, according to a survivor.

Investigators released surveillance camera images of the gunman, who is described as 5 feet 9 inches tall, with light brown hair in a bowl cut.

Police said he was wearing a distinctive sweatshirt and driving a vehicle with a distinctive license plate, although they did not elaborate details about either.

Authorities believe he is still in the Charleston area.

Police are investigating the massacre as a hate crime.

Source :

The most shocking death caused by George R. R. Martin

The most shocking death caused by George R. R. Martin

20 Tips on How to Make a Guy Fall in Love with You

20 Tips on How to Make a Guy Fall in Love with You

Be Yourself
All of my tips on how to make a guy fall in love with you surround being yourself. If you're fake, it doesn't matter if you get a guy to fall in love with you, because he won't really be in love with the real you. So, my first idea is to always be myself, no matter what, so a #guy likes me for me. After all, you would hate to fall in love with a guy that isn't being himself right?


Optimize Your Appearance
Whenever I'm trying to be more attractive to someone, I always optimize. Now, this doesn't mean I starve myself to look thin, buy tons of new clothes, or get a dramatic #hair cut. Instead, I just try to make myself #look my best. This means a cute outfit that emphasizes my best features, combed and fixed hair, a little makeup, a clean #bright smile, and a spritz of light perfume. I do this for myself, so I can be confident in who I am.


Guys love to talk about themselves, and they think a girl who actively listens to them is so charming. So, I always listen more than I talk when I was trying to attract a #guy. Talk about yourself, current topics, news events, etc about 20% of the time, and let him control the conversation about 80% of the #time. If he is attune to #women, he will ask you questions too and it'll develop into a nice little back and forth conversation!


Laugh a Lot
Having a sense of humor is really important when you are trying to attract a guy. Laughing at his jokes and even knowing how to take a joke can really make a #guy feel like he knows a girl instantly! If you've got a #crush, laugh it up a little with him and see how he responds!


Have a Great Attitude
In my experience, guys like girls with cheerful, sunny dispositions. No one likes to hang out with a pessimistic, negative person. So, I always try to look on the bright side of life and be a "glass half full" person when I'm trying to catch a hot #guy. People always tend to #look my way more often and gravitate toward me when I've got a smile on my face! So flash those pearly whites!


Be Sweet
Sometimes, I can be catty... all girls can be. When I'm with my girlfriends, we'll gossip or trash some other #girl for being rude or trashy, but that's not a nice way to act. And, let me just tell you, I've learned that this kind of behavior doesn't attract guys. Boys are drawn to girls who are sweet and don't gossip, so keep cattiness and snotty comments to yourself around your new #guy. The occasional catty comment is okay, but keep it to a minimum!


Some of my friends used to think flirting was beneath them, but I'm telling you - it works. Guys just love to be showered with attention and treated like a king. So, toss your hair a #little bit, throw your head back and laugh, grin a lot, and look up and him from under your eyelashes. Even those these old tricks might seem tried and true, they're tried and true because they actually work!


Be Different
Trying to be unique and different is a #way I've always tried to interest guys. I don't want him to think that I'm just like all the other girls out there... instead, I want to be seen as charming, witty, and smart. So, I don't talk about all those same old topics, like school gossip. Ask him about how he feels about current events or newsworthy stories and show him you're worldy!


Be Witty
Everyone has a bit of charisma to them and a witty side, why not show that? I know it can be difficult sometimes, if you are around your #crush, but don't get too tongue-tied and just go for it! Remember when I said that a #guy likes a girl with a sense of humor? Show that side of yourself to him and be confident in who you are!


Initiate Physical Contact
Guys love physical touch, and touching someone is a quick way to develop intimacy. So, when I'm trying to attract a guy's attention, I will #look for ways to bring physical touch into play. For instance, I touch his arm lightly when I'm laughing at a joke, or I'll slap him on the knee playfully if he says something funny, or I'll touch his hand while I'm explaining something.


Bring Him a Treat
The old saying that the way to a man's heart is through his #stomach isn't just an old saying for no reason- it's totally true! I always bake a little treat for a guy when I'm trying to make him fall in love with me, and then I just surprise him with it on a random day. When my husband and I were first dating, I left a bag of treats in his locker before every football game. He just loved it!


Give Him Freedom
When a guy's trying to determine if you're girlfriend material, he will test you a #little bit. My advice at this point is to give him his freedom, and that will send him right back for more. In my experience, if any #guy ever got the impression that I'd try to tie him down, he'd be gone lightning fast. So, let your guy know that you value and respect his time with his friends, playing sports, or whatever it is he does in his spare #time.


Let Him Call You
When I'm trying to get a #guy, I play a little hard to get. I don't call him all the #time, try to track him down, or generally make myself a bother. I want him to think that I'm too busy out there #having a great time to bother with him, and that he better get in touch with me quickly if he's interested in sharing any time with me! Let him do the pursuing, and he'll be much more interested in you.


Make Eye Contact
Staring deeply into someone's eyes quickly ramps up the intensity of the connection between two #people. So, if I'm trying to get a guy to fall in love with me, I stare deeply into his #eyes while we're talking. Now, don't #look too long, or you'll appear to be a stalker... but you definitely want extended #eye contact. Remember the scenes in Twilight where all the sexual tension developed between Edward and Bella just based on eye contact? That's what I'm talking about.


Don't Appear Desperate
Guys want someone that is confident and someone that is secure in themselves. Even if you aren't confident, don't worry, there are tons of ways to build it. Start small and just go from there. I know not appearing desperate is hard, but if you appear to have it all together and even play hard to #guy? Your #crush will like you even more!


Be Trustworthy
Guys love someone they can trust. I learned the hard way that telling my girlfriends every thing about a new #guy in my life wasn't the best idea. Word always gets back to the guy that I've talked about what he told me or told details about our #time together, and he always bolts. So, discretion is the best policy. Don't tell your girls every #little bit of your private conversations, and your guy will trust and respect you much more.


Leave a Little Mystery
When I am trying to attract a guy, I don't want to be an open book to him. I've found that guys like a little mystery... they keep coming back for more if you leave more to find out. Think of your information, history, interests, etc. like a treasure hunt... give your #guy little clues, but don't let him find the treasure right away. He'll want to keep calling and asking you out just to learn more about you!


Be Supportive of His Interests
Guys love it when a girl takes an interest in what he likes to do. Even if you don't necessarily like what he is into (like video games or sports!), just give it a try -- that way you can have some common ground. Guys, that also means that you'll have to take an interest in your girl's interests too! A #relationship is a two way street.


Hold off on The Physical Intimacy
My last tip has to do with physical intimacy, or making out, heavy petting , or sex. If you truly want to make a guy fall in love with you, you've got to hold out on stuff like this for as long as you can. Most guys I dated and are friends with just go after a girl for the thrill of the chase at first. It takes #time for them to realize that they actually care about the girl. So, hold off on physical intimacy to give your relationship a #chance to develop first. Steve Harvey has written a hilarious book that talks about this exact idea!

There you have it... my top twenty tips for getting a guy to fall madly in love with you. Hopefully, with this #beautiful weather we're having, we can get out of the house, get flirting, and meet some great guys!

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How to Win a Man's Heart ,Click Link Below
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24 Promises Every Man Should Make To His Future Wife

I’ll be 36 by the time this gets published and I’m still not married. According to my mom, I should probably count on staying that way for a while because “all the good ones are taken.”
Little does she know that, sooner or later, I’ll likely marry someone younger or, gawd fahbid, some “poor” divorcee.
I’m not sure if I’m one of the “good ones” or not, but what I am sure about is that I want to have shared values with my future wife — and in return, I’ll promise her the world.
Or more realistically, I will commit to these 24 things:
I will never leave an empty toilet paper roll in the bathroom (or hang a fresh roll upside down like a monster).
I will never leave an empty toilet paper roll in the bathroom (or hang a fresh roll upside down like a monster).
  1. I will try to solve your problems instead of just listening and saying, “that sucks.”
  2. I will handle or (delegate handling) any pest problems.
  3. I will only say sh*tty things about your family when they do sh*tty things to you.
  4. I won’t steal your thunder and will always be your biggest cheerleader.
  5. I will eat anything you cook… unless it’s genuinely gross because life is just too short.
  6. I will respond incredibly well to the words “please” and “thank you.”
  7. I won’t get embarrassingly drunk at any event that’s important to you.
  8. I will surprise you with my depth of knowledge about completely unimportant topics regularly.
  9. I will bring home flowers for no reason, and no, I’m not feeling guilty about anything.
  10. I will not share all my passwords with you, nor will I ask for yours.
  11. I will sing the wrong words to songs… loudly.
  12. I will continue to despise reality TV, unless I marry a reality TV star.
  13. I will take athletic endeavors too seriously.
  14. I will make jokes at inappropriate times; you will generally laugh.
  15. I will refer to myself as a hero, not always ironically.
  16. I will lavish you with compliments, mostly sincerely.
  17. I will consult with you for most purchases over 1,000 — adjusted for inflation to 2015 currency values — unless it’s a gift for you, or we’re just NASTY rich.
  18. I will cuddle you until I absolutely just need to sleep.
  19. I will not shoplift. This is probably not an issue, but I’m an 8th Commandment guy.
  20. I will not let disagreements with you color my opinion of you as a person.
  21. I will not go vegan.
  22. I will not start a band.
  23. I will help any of your friends move (provided they’re not complete jerks).
  24. I will not (completely) let myself go.

How to Win a Man's Heart ,Click Link Below
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20 Ways To Keep Your Wife Loving You More

20 Ways To Keep Your Wife Loving You More

1. He looks up the movie you’ve been waiting to see and surprises you with a date night. He might not want to see it, but he knows all the show times in a five mile radius.
2. He brings you flowers for no reason. Some women think this is tacky. It isn’t.
3. He really tries to make you come. Even if he lacks talent in bed, he’s making an effort to improve.
4. He doesn’t look at his phone when you’re around. Flappy Bird and status updates can’t win out over you. Suppressing the compulsion to check his phone, that’s love.
5. He texts you pictures of inside jokes and things that remind him of you. Somehow, he makes grumpy cat memes romantic.
6. He wants you to hang out with his friends. This might be hell for you, but he really wants you around.
7. He tries to hold you while you’re sleeping. You might wake up annoyed and sweating, but he just wants to cuddle.
8. He wants to know you got home safe. Don’t roll your eyes. There’s genuine concern in that “r u home?” text.
9. He cancels plans for you. You take precedent over guy’s night and sports schedules.
10. He teases you, in a good way. He can make fun of you in a way that makes you laugh, not in a way that makes you cry quietly in the bathroom later.
11. He remembers every little conversation you’ve had. That time you rambled about your nail polish preferences? He was paying attention THE WHOLE TIME, and buys you the right ones for your birthday.
12. He actively tries to express his emotions. This can be difficult. Ignore all the awkward pauses and uncomfortable shifting, and what he’s saying might be kind of sweet.
13. He compliments you when you’re not wearing makeup. Hell, he might not even notice you’re not wearing makeup.
14. He makes you dinner after a bad day. He might only know one recipe, but it always cheers you up.
15. Even if he’s not very emo, he has a sentimental streak when it comes to you. Dude has never cried, but he keeps a sweet love note from you in his wallet.
16. He surprises you with coffee. Just remembering your crazy convoluted order would’ve been impressive.
17. He thinks your annoying habits are cute. Even the thing where you separate all the foods on your plate with bread so they don’t touch.
18. He loves showing off your accomplishments. “This is my girlfriend, she just got her master’s and got a job a week later and is so smart and beautiful and it’s she great?”
19. He remembers something you mentioned you hated one time, and never does it again. May you never fear sitting on a cold toilet rim in the middle of the night.
20. He begrudgingly gets into some of your girly habits. OK, a ton of pillows on the bed is pretty nice actually.

6 Types of Women Christian Men Should Avoid Dating or Marrying

6 Types of Women Christian Men Should Avoid Dating or Marrying

A Woman Who Doesn’t Believe

This is the most important factor of all.  Since we are commanded to not be unequally yoked with nonbelievers, then how much more so should a man not even consider dating someone who doesn’t believe (2 Cor 6:14)?  A Christian man should never consider dating an unbeliever, just as no woman should ever think about dating a nonbelieving man.  It’s foolish to think that you can date her and lead her to saving faith in Christ. This could certainly backfire on you.

Women Who Don’t Put God First

This may be one of the greatest factors for men to consider in not dating a woman.  If a woman never puts God first, then she may be putting herself first.  If she doesn’t put God first, then she’ll likely have you way down on her priority list, too.  No woman or man, for that matter, who doesn’t seek God and His kingdom first and foremost (Matt 6:33) should ever be dated

Women Who Don’t Like Children

Men should avoid dating any woman who doesn’t like children. What happens if this arrangement leads to marriage and later on there are children born into your family?  You can sense how she might be around children in church or in public, but you can also tell by her regard for children in general during conversations.  There is nothing more revealing about a person’s character than the way they react to children when encountered.

Women Who Don’t Pray

If you are considering dating a woman but have never had any inclination that this woman prays, then this could be a sign that she would not be a good match for you.  I believe that prayer is the pulse of the believer’s spiritual life, and if there is no prayer, there is no pulse.

Women Who Speak Ill of Their Parents

Do you know how this woman treats her mother?  How does she speak about her father?  Is there a good relationship with her parents?   If you have started to date or are considering dating a woman, first meet her parents or ask her about her parents and see how she speaks about them.   If there is no natural respect or love for her parents, maybe you could ask her why.  No one has perfect parents, of course, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t still try to honor them.

Women With Warning Signs

Another type of woman who men should not consider dating is one who drinks in excess or has a substance abuse problem.  There are warning signs that are sometimes present, such as drinking early in the day or taking an inordinate amount of pills, even if they are prescribed.   She may have a valid reason for taking medicine, but if you sense in your heart that something is wrong, ask her why she might be taking certain medications.  There is nothing wrong with asking someone you are considering dating a few questions if you have concerns.  A woman who’s not trying to hide anything shouldn’t have any hesitation in addressing your concerns.


Before a man dates any woman, be as sure as you can that she’s been born again and has shown fruits of conversion (John 15).  Dating can often lead to marriage, but no marriage is always better than a bad one because it could lead to a potential divorce, and God never intended for a man and a woman to divorce, but to marry until death do they part.

Watch the Game of Thrones, NBA Edition (Game of Zones)

Watch the Game of Thrones, NBA Edition (Game of Zones)
HBO's hit show Game Of Thrones gets spoofed with animated NBA teams. 

Source : Bleacher Report

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Thursday, 18 June 2015

Hillary Clinton has threatened to “obliterate” Iran

Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s pledge to “obliterate” Iran if it attacks Israel marks a sharp escalation of threats against that country and its entire population.

Clinton made her comments on 24th April 2008, the day of the Pennsylvania primaries. She was asked during an interview on ABC’s program “Good Morning America” about her previous comments that she would respond with “massive retaliation” if Iran attacked Israel. She responded by adopting an even more militarist tone.
Rephrasing the question to address a potential Iranian nuclear strike on Israel, Clinton said, “I want the Iranians to know, if I am the president, we will attack Iran. And I want them to understand that, because it does mean that they have to look very carefully at their society, because at whatever stage of development they might be with their nuclear weapons program in the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them.”
The scenario proposed by Clinton to phrase her comments—an Iranian strike on Israel—is simply a pretext for her to assert her willingness to use overwhelming military force, including nuclear weapons, to guarantee US domination of the Middle East.

Former US President George Bush still Calls For ANOTHER War In Iraq

Despite acknowledging that the 2003 invasion of the country was his “biggest regret”, the former president has again insisted the solution to Islamic extremism in the Middle East is “boots on the ground”.

Mr Bush took the US to war in two separate conflicts over his eight-year presidency – first in Afghanistan in 2001 and then in Iraq two years later.

The Iraq invasion was widely condemned at the time as being ill-thought out – and it resulted in a huge cost both financially and in human lives.

My position was that you need to have boots on the ground

George W Bush
But in an interview with an Israeli magazine, he appeared once again to be on the warpath.

Asked about how the US should tackle ISIS, he said: “My position was that you need to have boots on the ground."

He added: “A fair number of people in our country were saying that it was impossible to defeat al-Qaida -- which is ISIS as far as I am concerned. 

“They said I must get out of Iraq. But I chose the opposite - I sent 30,000 more troops as opposed to 30,000 fewer. 

“I think history will show that al-Qaida in Iraq was defeated. And so I chose the path of boots on the ground. 

“We will see whether or not our government adjusts to the realities on the ground."

Almost 4,500 Americans died during the eight-year war, while 179 British soldiers lost their lives. 

The huge losses were reflected upon in an interview shortly after he left office, when the 43rd US president suggested the 2003 invasion had been a mistake. 

He said: "The biggest regret of all the presidency has to have been the intelligence failure in Iraq.

"I wish the intelligence had been different, I guess."

Mr Bush, whose father – also called George – was the 41st US president, also warned about the deadly threat of nuclear or chemical warfare to the West.

He said: “The biggest threat to our the use of chemical or biological weapons or dirty bombs.”

However, Mr Bush took a more diplomatic approach when questioned about tensions with Iran.

He refused to be drawn on what path current US president Barack Obama should take, describing it as a “delicate subject” and an issue he was “not going to comment on”.

A funny George Martin Comic

A funny George Martin Comic, totally hilarious

Sourced from :

An Alternative Ending : Myrcella Baratheon

An Alternative Ending : Myrcella Baratheon

Funny Memes from Game of Thrones : High Septon priests

Read More about the High Septon Priest  : 

Courtsey :

Learn More abut the High Sparrow of the High Septon

The High Sparrow is the current High Septon of the Faith of the Seven. His real name is unknown as High Septons abandon their names once elected to office.

The new High Septon begins his term by selling all of the golden crowns, including his own, and robes of cloth and gold. The money earned from this is used to buy food for the sparrows and the poor. He clads himself in a humble wool robe and other Most Devout are forced to follow suit. Cersei Lannister, in order to secure the Faith's blessing for her son and cancel the near one million dragons the crown owed the Faith, allows the High Septon to restore the Faith Militant. This military arm of the Faith has not existed in the realm since it was disbanded by Jaehaerys I Targaryen. His army of sparrows become Poor Fellows of old and soon over a hundred knights join the Warrior's Sons. The new High Septon becomes commonly known as the High Sparrow after a jape of Moon Boy.

The Faith, emboldened by their new power, arrests Margaery Tyrell and her cousins when Osney Kettleblack falsely confesses to bedding the girls. The High Septon is suspicious of Osney's confession, as he had never heard a confession from a man so pleased to be guilty, and has Osney scourged. Osney confesses the actual truth that Cersei had him lie and he killed the previous High Septon under her orders.

When Cersei Lannister visits the Great Sept of Baelor, the High Septon has her arrested and imprisoned on similar, but accurate, charges.

A Dance with Dragons
Since the evidence against Margaery and her cousins is quite weak, the High Septon releases them into the custody of Randyll Tarly. The High Septon requires Tarly to swear a holy oath to return them for trial.

The High Septon then sees Cersei when she says she wishes to confess. To try and gain access to visitors, Cersei decides to confess many of her crimes to him. She confesses she did have relations with her cousin Lancel and the Kettleblack brothers. She knows such sins would not earn her an execution, but denies the sins that would earn her death - ordering Osney to kill the previous High Septon and her involvement in Robert's death. The High Septon agrees to allow her one visitor a day.

The High Septon agrees to free Cersei on the condition that she performs a penance walk through King's Landing. Cersei reluctantly agrees. Cersei and Margaery are still to be put on trial. Cersei chose trial by combat with Ser Robert Strong as her champion. Margaery chose trial by the Faith.

Lord Regent Kevan Lannister, Master of Laws Randyll Tarly and Hand of the King Mace Tyrell are frustrated by having to give in to the demands of the "High Sparrow". With so many rebellious subjects in the Seven Kingdoms, however, they dare not be seen to go against the Faith, lest it drive the pious into the armies of another claimant to the Iron Throne. The High Septon disapproves of Stannis Baratheon, believing that Stannis has turned from the truth of the Seven to worship a red demon and that his false faith has no place in the Seven Kingdoms.

Courtsey :

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Donald Trump declaration for president

Donald Trump Running for President 2016 VIDEO  Donald Trump for President

Donald Trump, the real estate mogul, reality television star and hair icon, today announced he is taking his first run at the White House.

From the iconic Trump Tower in New York City, the Donald told his supporters he is "officially running for president of the United States."

"We are going to make our country great again," Trump, who turned 69 on Saturday, declared.

He added, ""I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created."

In 2012, Trump launched a Presidential exploratory committee and visited key battleground states before bowing out in May 2011. This time though, Trump says he’s in it for the long haul; he plans to step away from the day to day management of The Trump Organization, and hand the reigns over to his children: Ivanka, Donald Jr, and Eric. He has also chosen to step aside from his hit reality show, “The Apprentice."

Reserved for Trump: Why the Donald Has His Own New Hampshire Parking Spot

Mr. Trump Goes to Washington: What The Donald Is Saying About 2016

We Played 2016 Presidential Word Association With Donald Trump And This Is What He Said

Last month, Trump told ABC’s Rick Klein, “Politicians are all talk, no action. They do a terrible job; a tremendous disservice to the country. And I know them better than anybody, and I love them - I think they're great. It's easy to make money with politicians. But, the fact is that it's all talk and no action…and the country's going to hell.”

Trump entered the real estate business started by his father, the late Fred C. Trump. Today, the kid from Queens is worth just over $9 billion, he claims. The name Trump can be found on countless Manhattan buildings along with hotels and golf courses across the globe.

"I'm really rich," Trump said after declaring his candidacy today.

Trump has been married three times, his longest marriage to Ivana Zelnícková ended in divorce in 1992, he married actress Marla Maples a year later until they called it quits in 1999. His current wife, Melania Knauss married the Donald in 2005. Trump has three children from his first marriage – Donald Jr, Ivanka and Eric, a daughter Tiffany from his second marriage, and a son Barron with wife Melania.

“Our country needs a truly great leader," Trump said today. "And we need a truly great leader now. We need a leader that wrote the art of the deal. We need leader that can 

bring back jobs."

Source :

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